Choy Division was founded in 2019, and had its first iteration as an urban farm in Astoria, Queens. The farm moved upstate to the Black Dirt in Orange County in 2020 and was a member of both the Dig Acres Incubator as well as Glynwood's Farm Business Incubator.
We are a three acre diversified vegetable farm, with a focus on growing East Asian heritage crops using regenerative agricultural techniques. This means that our farming decisions are made with soil biodiversity and ecosystem health as a primary factor, not just productivity and profit. Sustainability to us means taking care of the earth, but also ourselves and each other.
Some of the vegetables we grow include gai lan, bok choy, chong gak and daikon radish, bitter melon, Thai basil, chili peppers, chamoe melon, and kabocha squash. Follow us on Instagram for updates throughout the season!
And lastly, some of you may be wondering where the name comes from (and some of you may have gotten the pun right away!):
Choy (菜) means vegetable in Chinese
English rock band Joy Division
Choy Division
Choy Division 成立于 2019 年,并在皇后区阿斯托里亚作为城市农场进行了第一次迭代。 该农场于 2020 年搬到了奥兰治县的黑土北部,是 Dig Acres Incubator 和 Glynwood 的 Farm Business Incubator 的成员。
我们是一个占地半英亩的多元化蔬菜农场,致力于利用再生农业技术种植东亚传统农作物。 这意味着我们的农业决策是以土壤生物多样性和生态系统健康为主要因素,而不仅仅是生产力和利润。 对我们而言,可持续发展意味着关爱地球,也关爱我们彼此。
我们种植的一些蔬菜包括:盖兰,小白菜,马尾萝卜,苦瓜,泰式罗勒,辣椒,甘瓜和南瓜。 关注我们的Instagram在农时更新!